What was normal last week is yesterday’s news.
We’re all going through an experience of collective trauma right now.
Maybe you’re paralyzed by anxiety about your lack of control over this crisis.
Maybe you’re feeling depressed because your whole world was brought to a crashing halt.
Maybe your relationship is strained because you’ve never spent 24/7 shut-in your home with your partner.
Maybe you’re getting burnt out at work.
It’s ok to feel lost or overwhelmed right now. This is a brand-new world that we’ve never experienced.
But you don’t have to keep feeling that way.
Invest in Your Sanity
Just because this is the new “normal” doesn’t mean you have to keep the status-quo. Times of crisis are times for rebirth. You can come out of this happier, stronger, and more in control.
When you:
Believe that you are worthy of a change
Make the decision to invest in yourself
Then you’re ready for the next step.
How I Can Help
I’m Christine Walter, and my passion is helping others grow into the powerful person they were meant to be.
I’m based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, but with the advancements in telehealth, I get to help people all over the world.
I provide Life Coaching virtual sessions through Skype, Zoom, and Facetime to people like you who need a little extra guidance right now.
It’s ok to be vulnerable. To need help. In fact, it’s not just ok—it's healthy.
During one on one virtual Life Coaching sessions, you and I will delve into where you are in your journey. We’ll discover what is keeping you stuck and craft a personalized plan to help you get on the right track.
You can come out of this crisis better than before. All you have to do is make the move.
Is Life Coaching Right for You?
I’m a firm believer that everybody needs a little guidance from time to time. As a Life Coach, I’ve found that my clients feel lost, disempowered, or overwhelmed before they come to me. A dark time in their lives turns into a beautiful experience of rebirth and growth.
You will benefit from a virtual Life Coaching session with me if:
You feel lost in life
You’re having relationship issues with your family and loved ones
You’re having trouble hitting your career goals
You feel paralyzed by anxiety or fear
A little voice in your head is telling you that you aren’t good enough
You can’t focus or make a decision
You’re struggling with staying afloat during this global pandemic
Since you’re reading this page, you’ve probably asked yourself, “do I need a Life Coach?” You’re not alone. In fact, some of the world’s most successful people work with Life Coaches to help them achieve their full potential.
We're facing an unprecedented global health crisis, but your life and goals don’t have to come to a screeching halt. Together, you and I can shape this crisis into a catalyst for you to flourish.
Invest in your success. Invest in your health. Invest in your happiness.